Special Services
Discover the special services of IIL Media, where creativity meets professionalism. From engaging interviews to stunning visual shoots and dynamic aerial footage, we bring your ideas to life with precision and flair. Unique, versatile, unforgettable.
When you need to create or edit original video footage, why to rely on using stock footage available to everyone. Let the IIL Media production team create and produce original video footage and sequences for your production.We go beyond sourcing online stock footage or videos, to create a unique video that is specific to your needs. We will create up to a 60-second video sequence.
Showcase your brand on a world stage with IIL Media’s sponsorship opportunities on POV, our acclaimed documentary series viewed worldwide. Celebrate the backbone of American business by supporting captivating stories of small businesses and entrepreneurs, while gaining unparalleled exposure and aligning your brand with innovation and success.
Conversations with Authors is a short bio video profile for book publishers and writers. It highlights authors’ work and creative journeys, fostering connections with readers. Perfect for PR campaigns, websites, book launches, and reviews. because books are not dead but thriving, evolving, and waiting to inspire.
Craft breathtaking imagery through Sail & Shoot, where a 58’ Beneteau sailboat sets the stage for your creative vision.
Reach new heights with SkyCapture, delivering dynamic aerial footage of New York or your chosen destination.